
This table contains records with information about each collection top bid change.

Column nameTypeDescription
idstringInternal event id
kindstringEvent type (new-order, expiry, sale, cancel, balance-change, approval-change, bootstrap, revalidation, reprice)
collection_idstringCollection id
contractstringContract address
token_idstringId of the token in the collection
order_idstringAssociated bid id
makerstringAssociated bid maker wallet address
pricestringAssociated bid price (native currency)
previous_pricedecimalprevious top bid price (native currency)
valid_untilbigintAssociated bid validity expiration
sourcestringSource of the order (e.g.
tx_hashstringAssociated transaction hash
tx_timestampbigintAssociated transaction timestamp
created_attimestampTimestamp the event was recorded