Ask Events
This table contains records with information about each ask change.
Query examples can be found here:
Column name | Type | Description |
id | bigint | Internal event id |
kind | string | Event type (new-order, expiry, sale, cancel, balance-change, approval-change, bootstrap, revalidation, reprice) |
contract | string | Contract address |
token_id | string | Id of the token in the collection |
order_id | string | Associated ask id |
maker | string | Associated ask maker wallet address |
price | decimal | Associated ask price (native currency) |
quantity_remaining | bigint | Associated ask tokens remaining |
valid_from | bigint | Associated ask validity start |
valid_until | bigint | Associated ask validity expiration |
source | string | Source of the order (e.g. |
tx_hash | string | Associated transaction hash |
tx_timestamp | bigint | Associated transaction timestamp |
created_at | timestamp | Timestamp the event was recorded |
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